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Important Parvo Information
Unfortunately, many dog owners don't understand how easy it is to be an unintentional, life-threatening carrier of a canine virus...
“Which Australian Shepherd Puppy is Right for Me… Male or Female?”
[I can see it in their eyes… "OK…now answer the question! Which is better- male or female?”]
Socializing Your Puppy
You’ve heard the old adage “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”? This is definitely the case when it comes to socialization...
Choosing the Right Puppy for You
Choosing the Right Puppy for You [endif]--So… you've decided to bring a new puppy into your life… You have some important decisions to...
Puppy Proofing Your House
Puppy Proofing your House! Puppies can be destructive, fun-loving critters. Just accept that if an object is within a puppy’s reach, it...
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